How to Explain Voting and the Election Process to Kids

How to Explain Voting and the Election Process to Kids

Election season is upon us. Are you raising a future voter? Teaching kids about the election process can be a fun family activity. Empower your kids by sending the message that while they still might be too young to cast their votes, their opinions truly do matter. Explain how important it is that everyone makes their voice heard in an election. Start nurturing lifelong voting habits in your child. Here is your guide to How to Explain Voting and the Election Process to Kids.

Kid-Friendly Resources: How to Explain the Importance of Voting and the Election Process to Kids print voting and political worksheets.

YouTube: watch Daniel Tiger make big decisions by voting in two episodes of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

Public Library: visit your local library for a wealth of information for free.

Kid-Friendly Election Day Activities

1. Visit a local polling station.
On election day, take your child with you to your polling station so they can see the polling booths in action.

2. Share a voter registration card.
Download a sample voter registration card and let your children fill out their own “voter card” on an index card. Talk to them about what is required of people to vote, including the age limit and other requirements.

3. Point out the various campaign posters.
Take the time to point out campaign poster and yard signs. Explain their purpose. Let your children make their own campaign sign.

4. Ask them what makes a great leader.
Explain to children that an election is about choosing leaders. Ask children what makes an excellent leader. Write these down on a piece of paper and discuss them.

5. Have mock election at home.
Help the kids make a ballot box and vote for something as simple as what to eat for dinner.

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